Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Kid Krafts - Calm Down Jar

This craft is actually a 2-in-2 deal. Get the kids involved in putting the jar together, then use it for "time-ins," when they are displaying less than desirable behavior. What is a time-in you may ask? Alright, I'm actually asking for you; but, for those who have never heard of this type of discipline, a time-in is the alternative to time-outs, where both child and parent (or caregiver) sit together for some cool down, snuggle, or talking time. 

There are many reasons to consider eliminating time-outs, that I won't go into right now. But, I will tell you to visit these great websites, that provide LOTS of information on why time-outs aren't as effective as you think (and provide more information on positive parenting techniques).

Back to the craft. This one is super simple, and only involves a few materials. I had everything on hand, so this craft cost us nothing!

You'll need:
> Mason Jar
> Water
> Food Coloring (any color)
> Glitter

I used an empty spaghetti sauce jar (that I washed first), and C helped fill it with water. I added a few drops of food coloring, and let C stir in the color. Then, we added the glitter....and we were done!

When Little Man is acting up, we take our calm down jar to a comfy chair, sit together, and shake it up. We watch the glitter until it settles. Sometimes, it takes a few shakes to feel calm again; but once the glitter settles and he feels better, then he is free to resume the activity he was removed from (minus the bad behavior of course)

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